MI Destination Rally Preceding INTO Rally
Muskogee, OK
May 14 (arrive) – May 17 (INTO begins)
Hatbox Event Center
Monaco International RV Club is hosting a Destination Rally prior to the Mosey INTO Muskogee INTO Rally. The rally fee of $199.00 includes:
3 Nights of Camping with Full Hookups
Welcome Dinner
Ice Cream Social
Tour of the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame & Museum
Tour of the Butterfly Papillion
Lunch at The Amish Restaurant and Store ($)
Bus trip to Tulsa with Guided Tour
Rally fee for 2 people in coach - $199.00
Rally fee for 1 person in coach - $149.00
Cancellations: There will be a $25 cancellation fee on all cancellations. Cancellations must be received prior to April 20 for a full refund minus the cancelation fee.
If you are staying for the INTO Rally, you will not have to change sites (May 17 - 21).
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2024
Online Registration Only.